How to Build Confidence in Your Creative Work

In this blog post, I want to talk about something that we all face as artists - especially when we’re beginners – building creative confidence! Since art is such a personal form of expression, it’s easy to get sucked into the perfectionism trap. It can feel very vulnerable to share our work with the world, and confidence can be elusive sometimes. But confidence is like a muscle. The more you practice it, the more it builds, and the more confident you become in yourself and your creative work.

So I want to share a few ways that you can start to practice building your confidence so that you can feel proud of the art you’re creating and ready to share it with the world!


#1 Call Yourself an Artist

When new artists are starting out, they have a tendency not to identify themselves as artists. They feel like they have to have “made it” in order to earn that title. Or they feel like they can’t be called an artist unless it’s their full-time job. But it’s simply not true. You can call yourself an artist from the moment you put paintbrush to canvas. 

You don’t have to have a certain number of followers, or have reached a certain skill level, or be making money from your art, or be creating art consistently to consider yourself an artist. When you start calling yourself an artist and believing that you’re deserving of that title, your confidence will skyrocket! 

So next time you’re making small talk with a stranger and they ask what you do, try telling them that you’re an artist. Even if it’s not your career, it’s still a part of you. Try the title on for size and I have a feeling your creative confidence will immediately begin to grow!


#2 Recognize the Fear and Take Action Anyway

It’s totally normal to feel some fear around creating and sharing art, but I want to encourage you to not let that fear stop you from going after your creative dreams. Plus, it’s important to remember that art is not a life-or-death situation. It’s supposed to be fun! I know that many new artists get nervous to create because they’re afraid it won’t turn out perfectly. But perfectionism can hold you back if you’re not careful.

Remember, if your piece doesn’t turn out perfectly you can always start over. Just don’t let your fear keep you from creating! Sometimes the most magical things happen when we step outside of our comfort zone and do things that make us a little scared or nervous. When you start thinking about it that way, it actually makes fear feel like an opportunity for growth!


#3 Know That You’re Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea and That’s OK!

One thing that helped me grow my confidence by leaps and bounds was learning that my art is not everyone’s cup of tea. At first, it was soul-crushing to hear criticism about my work. 

But over the years I’ve learned that the best way to handle haters is to acknowledge that they are out there. There are people out there who hate my art. And I’ve learned to accept that. It’s actually been so freeing to acknowledge the fact that my art isn’t for everyone. Everyone has a unique style and their own likes and dislikes when it comes to art, and that’s a beautiful thing!

That means there is room for every artist - no matter their style. Your people are out there! 

Realizing that I’m creating for MY people – not the critics – has allowed me to be bold and create vibrant art without worrying about what people will think of it. I don’t create art for the people who hate it. I create it for the joy it brings me and for the joy it brings the people who love it.


#4 Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

This is the number one confidence-crusher out there. As they say, comparison is the thief of joy, and I think that’s 100% true! 

I have a couple of tips for you regarding comparison. The first is to stop looking at other artists’ work if it’s really putting a dent in your confidence. Take a social media break and focus on your own art! 

Second, don’t get discouraged when you see other artists doing things in a similar way to you. I know it can feel like they’re competition, but I’d encourage you to see them as a possibility! If they have an audience of people who like their art, that means you can build one too! 

And lastly, don’t compare yourself to someone who is months or years ahead of you. There’s a quote that says “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” Chances are, the people you compare yourself to are further along in their journey. So don’t beat yourself up if you’re not there yet. Everyone was a beginner once!


#5 Share Your Work

Regardless of what stage you are at in your creative development, a big part of growth is sharing your work. I know it feels scary, but nothing will boost your confidence more than when you put your work out into the world!

Consider joining an online art community for support, encouragement, and ideas. Perhaps you can sell your work at a craft fair or art show. Think about starting an Etsy shop. Or maybe it’s as simple as sharing your art on Instagram. Whether your step is small or large, the point is just to do it. It’s time to get your art off your kitchen table and into the world!

I hope these five tips will help you build your confidence in your own creative work. Remember, you ARE an artist no matter what stage of your creative journey you’re at.

xo, Jessi


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